There are a range of ways to contact us; the best way to do so will depend both on the nature of your problem and the time of day.
You can call us on 01491 835577 and select from the following options:
- Option 1 – Cancellation Line: leave us a message if you wish to cancel an appointment. Please do not leave messages on this line requesting an appointment as it is for cancellations only.
- Option 2 – Appointments Team: the appointment line opens at 08:30 for booking on the day appointments. If you are wanting to make a routine appointment, call us after 10:00 when the daily appointments are fully booked.
- Option 3 – Secretaries: phone lines open from 09:00-17:00 for any referral queries.
- Between the hours of 09:30-11:30, our eConsult service is available to use for any administration queries or routine issues. Please do not use eConsult for urgent on the day appointments.
Please note: From Monday 12th June our phone options changed and there is no longer an option to be put through to the Dispensary. The easiest way to request repeat medications or raise queries is via the NHS/patient access app. Please only call us about your medication if it is an urgent problem that your pharmacy has been unable to solve. If you do call please only do so between 10 and 3. Your call will be taken by reception who will ask for your name and a member of the team will call you back.
You can also contact us by email at [email protected] for any administration queries or photos for clinician appointments. Please note this email address should not be used for communicating messages to the GP’s or booking appointments.