Lisa Davies
My name is Lisa Davies, and I am the Social Prescriber at Wallingford Medical Practice
Many things affect patients’ health and wellbeing. A lot of patients visiting GP surgeries feel isolated or lonely. Or they might be stressed by work, money and housing problems. Sometimes it’s the stress of managing a long-term condition.
That’s where I can come in and help.
I will give you time to talk about what matters to you and take a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing to connect you to the right community groups and services. Together we will create a personalised care and support plan and “link” you to organisations and services that can help to meet your practical, social, and emotional needs that affect your health and wellbeing.
Studies show that people get better and feel better faster than those treated with medicine alone. And because it works, it’s happening more and more – including here at Wallingford Medical Practice.
How can I be referred:
Ask your GP if you would like to be referred to me, or please contact the appointment team.
“Social prescribing connects people to non-medical support to address these issues and other unmet needs”.