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Wallingford Community Hospital

Wallingford Community Hospital Cover

Doctors at Wallingford Medical Practice work with the old age physicians from Oxford University Hospitals Trust to provide cover for the 20 inpatient beds at Wallingford Community Hospital.

The GP Partners do this on a three month rotational basis. During the period of Community Hospital Cover, this does mean that the number of appointments offered by the cover GP will be reduced. Patients are reassured that medical records are held electronically, and so any of the other doctors at the surgery will have full access to your medical history if you consult with them.

Wallingford Hospital

We are located adjacent to Wallingford Community Hospital which houses the following departments:

  • St Leonard’s Ward for inpatient care
  • Wallingford Maternity Unit
  • Adult Mental Health Services
  • Day Hospital
  • Physiotherapy
  • Community Dental Services
  • Ultrasound
  • Consultants from the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading visit to offer outpatient clinics in various specialities which currently include ENT, rheumatology and audiology