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Chronic disease review clinics

If you have a chronic disease such as COPD or diabetes, we offer an annual review to help you manage your condition and ensure you are getting the best possible treatment.

Our specialist nurses run clinics to review patients with asthma, COPD, diabetes, coronary heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and strokes. Patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) are invited to have their blood pressure checked at least once a year with the health care assistants.


Our nursing team offer annual reviews for children and adults diagnosed with asthma. You are also welcome to book an appointment with them at any time if you wish to discuss your condition. It is important for all patients with asthma to have an annual review, even when you feel that your condition is under control, as this is an opportunity to adjust your medications and ensure that you are using the correct technique when using inhalers.

Currently, our asthma reviews take place on the telephone or by video consultation. You may be asked to complete a questionnaire via text message before your appointment, which will help the nurse tailor the appointment to your needs.

You can see videos of how to use your inhalers at the Asthma UK website.


Our nursing team offers an annual review for patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), to review your condition and give advice about management. This is currently done on the telephone although some patients are seen at the surgery for a face to face appointment when the nurses feel this would be helpful.

One of the most helpful ways to prevent COPD or to help the condition once it has developed is to give up smoking.

Cardiovascular Disease (Coronary Heart Disease; Stroke and TIA and Peripheral Arterial Disease)

Cardiovascular disease is a general term for conditions of the heart and blood vessels involving the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries and an increased risk of blood clots. We review our patients who have a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease each year to help reduce the risk of developing further damage to the heart and brain. Our health care assistants see patients to take a blood sample, measure blood pressure and weight and patients are then offered a review telephone call with one of our nurses, the practice pharmacist or GP.


Patients with diabetes will be called at least once a year for a check up. This will involve an appointment with one of our health care assistants, who will take a blood sample and check your weight, blood pressure and feet. You will also be asked to provide them with a urine sample.

You will then have a telephone consultation with the nurse or your GP, to discuss your results and plan your ongoing care with you.

All our patients with diabetes are encouraged to participate in NHS funded diabetes education courses, which are designed both for patients who are newly diagnosed and those who have had diabetes for some time. There are also a council funded exercise programme for patients with diabetes.

Patients who have been identified as being at risk of diabetes (also known as pre-diabetes or non-diabetic hyperglycaemia) are encouraged to attend the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. We will offer you a blood test once a year to monitor your condition.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Patients who have been diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure) will be invited for a blood pressure check once a year with the health care assistant once they are stable on medication. Depending on the medication that you take for hypertension, you may also need a blood test to monitor your kidney function and cholesterol levels.