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Headway Oxfordshire

Established in 1982, Headway Oxfordshire has over 30 years’ history of supporting those affected by acquired brain injury. We understand just how complex living with the condition can be and often how wide-ranging the effects are. This is why we provide individual initial assessments to tailor the support that we offer to meet your needs and aspirations.Our Activity and Rehabilitation Centre in Kennington offers a range of activities such as Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, and arts
01865 326263


We want to ensure that people with learning disabilities, people with autism, children with special educational needs and people with related disabilities in Oxfordshire get the best support and opportunities available.Parents, friends, relatives, people working in the field, and people with learning disabilities themselves are invited to join the forum, ask questions, share information, and talk about what is happening in their lives!

Learning Disability update

Our Learning Disability update is an ‘easy read’ newsletter. Subscribe to keep up to date with what NHS England is doing for people with a learning disability and/or autism, their families, carers and supporters.


We are the independent national champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to find out what matters to people, and help make sure their views shape the support they need.
03000 683 000

Contact for families with Disabled children

Contact support families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability
0808 808 3555

Learning Disability Matters for Families

What is Learning Disability Matters for Families? It is primarily for parents and carers of children and young people:Who have been identified as having a learning disability Who have concerns that their child or young person MIGHT have a learning disability.

Guide Dogs

Guide Dogs wants a world in which all blind and partially-sighted people enjoy the same rights, opportunities and responsibilities as everyone else. Their mission is to provide guide dogs and other mobility services that increase the independence and dignity of blind and partially-sighted people.
0800 953 0113

Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK supports people with combined sight and hearing loss to live the lives they want. Losing your sight and hearing can be frightening. The charity’s team of experts is here every step of the way to show you life beyond sight and hearing loss.
01733 358356

Limbless Association

A support group for amputees or those about to become amputees and their families, carers and friends to seek answers to common problems.
0800 644 0185

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK ant a society where everyone can participate equally.

Contact for families with Disabled children

Contact support families with the best possible guidance and information. For every shape and size of family, whatever they need and whatever their child’s disability.
0808 808 3555

National Autistic Society

Founded in 1962, they are the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. Their goal is to help transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people.
0808 800 4104